DNA Today is a multi-award winning podcast and radio show exploring how genetics impacts our health.

Host/Producer Kira Dineen interviews leaders in genetics including genetic counselors, researchers, physicians and patient advocates.

New episodes every Friday.

DNA Today is broadcast Fridays at 10:30am EST on WHUS 91.7 FM in Connecticut.

#21 Rare Diseases Day 2015

#21 Rare Diseases Day 2015

Attend the Rare Diseases Awareness Event 2015 at UCONN Health Center on February 25th. Sophia Walker explains the celebration of individuals who have rare diseases and the many researchers and physicians who are fighting to find cures for these conditions. Listen to patients, doctors, and students share their experiences and learn about rare diseases! Everyone is welcome and the free event is geared towards the general public. Email sowalker@uchc.edu for any questions. Visit rarediseaseday.us, rarediseaseday.org and rarediseases.org for more information. 

#22 Rare Disease Day 2015

#22 Rare Disease Day 2015

#20 The Alliance for Aging Research Interview

#20 The Alliance for Aging Research Interview